1 GBP = 1.2192 USD
Information updates: Monday, 20.01.2025 03:08Online cross-rates of world currencies
Information updates: Monday, 20.01.2025 03:08
Popular amounts
0.844 GBP
4.22 GBP
8.44 GBP
16.88 GBP
25.32 GBP
33.76 GBP
42.2 GBP
50.64 GBP
84.4001 GBP
168.8 GBP
422 GBP
844.001 GBP
What sources do we use for the exchange rates of currencies?
We are using the data of the live exchange rates. They are immediately available in our service, and conversion is possible at live rates.What are the currencies to be converted?
We can offer exchange rates for 158 world currencies. The most popular conversion requests and currency pairs in England are on the main screen. You can access the data in one click by choosing: the euro against the pound, the pound against the US Dollar, the pound against the Indian rupee, the pound against the Australian dollar, the pound against the yen and other currency pairs.Is it possible to track the history of currency fluctuations?
Yes, on the pages of currency converters, we provide a graph with historical data. You can compare the values of the currency of the pair for 10 years. Click the switch to select a time frame.How accurate is the information on an exchange?
Please take into account that the British pound, the base currency is in focus of all currency conversions. We are certain the information on exchange rates is accurate, but cannot guarantee that you will be able to exchange your money at these rates. Before you do currency exchange, please contact the financial institution, where you intend to have your money converted.